Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Driving on Dirt Tracks & Corn Grinding Problems!

A dusty dirt track greeted me in the hot sun today. I finally got to Atari, 30km north of Muyembe. Eagles soured over the fields which are in the drier part of the region.
Great For Your Chest.
Some of The Atari Children

Engine bolted to planks
Now with broken bottom bracket.
I reviewed a Women's Group who have had a disastrous harvest for both rice and maize. A corn grinding machine allows them to make some money. It has a fault, which I hope you will agree with me Andy, Ivor, Trevor, et al. The support bracket breaks away due to vibration. The engine is screwed to planks. A concrete base would reduce this I think?

The replacement part is to be found in M'bale What a long distance to go. It's like going to Birmingham..
Atari Chairperson Next To Grinder

Terry - I've found you some healthy
donkeys with wooden yolks

In the afternoon I attended an AVS Uganda meeting (AVS 'Uganda' being the people who live locally and run the charity and AVS 'UK' being people like Marie who run the charity from the UK).

We finished the meeting 5 hours later,  to have a rest!! They can 'arf' talk the hind leg off a donkey. In fairness, they did had a lot to get through on their agenda. The UK accountant was mentioned who is flying over next week. Now who could that be?

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