Sunday, 17 February 2013

Tourists for the day! Flight home 0045.

8.00 PM
Been travelling all day! Visited the 'source of the Nile 'at  midday. Jean bought a shoulder bag.!!!!!!
We had a  shower at our usual hotel, The Boma and after a meal we leave Uganda to fly over the Sahara into the sun rise. Arrive U.K soon after 6.00 am.
It is still in the 80s here so home weather had  better warm up or else!
See you all soon

Friday, 15 February 2013

Last Day In Muyembe. Aims of The Charity. Please support Fund Raiser on 18th May at Wistanstow Village Hall..

Late afternoon Joseph's Dance & Drum Group in full swing!
Norbury Primary donated to this Group. THANK YOU PUPILS.
A dancer in the making!

Bush Secondary School Visit.Revisiting Our Little Boys House

Buyatla Parents Secondary School in a remote area. School population 350 .
Headmaster is well qualified, but faces problems on daily basis.
Jean with the Chair of Governors and Headmaster in the heat of the midday sun 90F.

View from the school to the Elgon mountain range.

We went in the early afternoon to our in need family . Things here are looking up there now.
The goats are well looked after by the family.
The front of the new nearly finished house.
Sleeping quarters.
 The floor is drying out
9 in the family will sleep in the house!.

Our little 3 year old. A little better now !Thanks to all who donated!

With the neighbour's goats behind new house.
A very happy grandad.

A very busy day as tomorrow is last full day in Muyembe. Jean and I visited the Girl's hostel to say our good byes. I went and retrieved a starter battery for our diesel generator which hasn't started for weeks! People keep items here on loan....... The mechanic gave back the battery at the same time he is servicing police motor bikes!

Police 'Bush bike' for local patrolling of district.
Good 'old' Uganda .They are chopping a good lookinghealthy tree down
 in front of health centre near us.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Termites Attack.Simu Corner Women Welcome Us! Bungwanyi Primary School Visit. Girl's Hostel Meet The Girl!

Singing about Papa Simon and Mama Jean.
They asked where is Ben?

A giving of gifts to Jean from the tomatoes girl's
We had a huge bunch of banana's and roasted peanuts.
All taken home on a motorbike!  

Transport arrives home!

Two nights without electric!
Martha is a new visitor is taking notes
 She is from ARUP and 'Engineers Without Boarders'
helping local villages with water supply problems.
Bungwanyi Primary School say hello to all Shropshire schools.
Jean counting the 95 pupils in P6
(10 to 15 year olds)
A 'friendship bracelet wave' to Norbury School

Happy Times with Mary and Marie at the hostel.

Introduction  and talk by Marie Cates to the new term at the girl's hostel.
Shown also is 'The Matron!' and Ester , hostel  teacher in charge.

Termites invade bedroom.Jean moves out to allow poisoning this morning !!

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Snakes Alive. Jean Gets On Her Bike! Dinner Out At Juma's

10.00am. Finally got a snake skin from a bush man near Atari.

Jean trying out a sponsored bike in the morning.
 Cash donated by a north Shropshire couple!
6.00am electric has not been restored. I thought the Hydro Electric Power scheme recently installed on the Nile had helped the national power supply! I hope its just a local problem.

We returned to see the family who's children we sponsor through school. 'Grandma' was visiting a sick aunt when we came earlier in week. She was so grateful and had tea ready for us.
4.00pm. 'Grandma' - A happy new owner of her goat 'Mandy'

Anthony, a sponsored student
At home with his 'mended' bike.

Juna and family after dinner at their home. 7.00pm

Self Timer not quite right!

Monday, 11 February 2013

Down Town Muyembe.. We Survived, 'Alton Towers' Ugandan Style.

As we walk down Muyembe...........
Maize and beans drying the hot sun.

All friends here!
Furniture maker.
Hardware shop.
No pavements!

Say no more!!!
Fresh Food.
AVS help to run a number of local businesses, I'll put them on another day.

This morning we went for supplies from Mbale. Jean was squashed into a transit van taxi. 25 people in a taxi with a supposed maximum capacity of 14. We were stopped by traffic police, the police women  told off the driver and he paid the bribe (sorry 'fine'!!)

The 'White knuckle 'ride lasted an hour! Mbale is a busy ramshackled town, which has a bank and post  office.

Numbers Grow in the taxi!
My quieter afternoon was broken by the noise of Juma's motor cycle which  was to take me to see the water pump located at Simu Corner  home of the 'Tomato Ladies'. But's that's a story and a half!
I now know all about coffee growing!

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Get Me To The Church On Time! Goats On The Move.Jean's Final Meeting On Budget.

Smart Shoes!
Baby Sleeps At Nabongo Church.

Selling Eggs To Raise Money At End Of First Service!
Pehi And Suzy Donated By People To The Women's Guild, Muyembe.
Thanks To Hillary & Peter, Pupils Of Stiperstones Primary.

Huggy Huggy Time For Marie And Jean!

Photo Of 'Suzy'- Stipperstones Primary School's Donated Goat to a Women's
Group Today. Well Done Children For Raising Money To Buy Your Animal!
She Will Be In Kid By End Of Year.
Some Of The Muyembe Women's Guild Group.
Sunday Afternoon At The Girl's Hostel.
Girl's Are Returning For New Term.
4 Hour Meeting.

Saturday, 9 February 2013

Jean Finishes Accounts For Charity.Afternoon Off At Sippi Waterfall.

Afternoon off  in the sunshine and surrounded by honeysuckle.
Rima (with a broken arm) adopts Jean.
We need Pam P. here for cuddle duty!!!!!

At Sippi Falls way up in the Elgon Mountains .

It's early afternoon and Marie has taken us to Sippi Falls with Jessica and Susan. Jessica is 80 and we had a birthday party!

Cool under the waterfalls.

Sippi is high above the Plains . It is the birth place of the gold medalist for the Olympic marathon. We passed his home on the way back to Muyembe. There are 3 waterfalls cascading down the cliffs, making it  cool for the visitors. Monkeys live there most of the year.