Thursday, 7 February 2013

Alfie Ill In Hospital. Schools First Week

Alfie ill In hospital
Poor young Alfie finds himself in hospital in M'bale with malaria. Not the illness you want at anytime of your life. We are hoping it's not cerebral malaria, which is life threatening. He is with his mum and on a drip. Update tomorrow.

Tree Climbing!
Activities straight after school is 'Tree Climbing' for guava fruit.
                              Right outside our house
They share the fruits with the younger Ones!

Back To Work Jean!

Today Jean returned to her favourite  place, the office desk! In 90 F of heat she began her review of the yearly Ugandan 'arm' of the charity. All sections of the charity will present their 2012/13 accounts for scrutiny by Jean! It reinforces the professional approach the charity is taking to show future donors that their money will be spent  wisely and honestly. 
Jean And Nora, the Ugandan Charity Treasurer.
(Nora is a qualified nurse and Aids field worker.)
Among Old Friends
Visited a school I've been to many times before. Took Jean with me, she got mobbed by pupils while I talked to the Head teacher in her office!! More about the school system another day. 

Foot Note:
Susan was resting this afternoon near her house and she turned around, having a close encounter with a large green snake. Stick at the ready she beat the under growth - just like the monitor lizard episode in the earlier blogs. It got away!!!

1 comment:

  1. Visited a school I've been to many times before. Took Jean with me, she got mobbed by pupils while medical Autoclave I talked to the Head teacher in her office!! More about the school system another day.
